
Presbyopia is a form of age-related farsightedness (hyperopia) that begins during middle age. There are a number of treatment options for presbyopia, allowing people to see clearly again and enjoy a good quality of life.

Dr. Andrew E. Holzman is proud to offer Washington, DC area patients the state-of-the-art KAMRA™ inlay for presbyopia treatment. Let’s consider how it works and who is an ideal candidate for this advanced vision correction option.

About KAMRA™ Inlays

KAMRA™ inlays are a major step forward in treating presbyopia. Rather than relying on corrective lenses or monovision refractive surgery, patients can instead get a small synthetic ring placed in just one eye. The procedure takes just 20 minutes, and patients are able to see better without the assistance of bifocals or contact lenses.

General Candidates for KAMRA™ Inlays

Good candidates for KAMRA™ inlays are in generally good health and have started to experience age-related farsightedness. They should not suffer from any health problems that would make an eye surgery a potential risk to wellness or overall vision quality.

Good Age for KAMRA™ Inlays

In general, the best time for patients to get KAMRA™ inlays is between the ages of 45 and 60, which is when presbyopia sets in. Your doctor may consider waiting a bit to perform the procedure depending on how far the condition has progressed.

Noting the Anatomy and Condition of the Eye

In order to have a KAMRA™ inlay, it’s important that patients have corneas that are properly shaped and normal pupil size as well. These and other structures of the eyes will be important to consider for overall success of the procedure.

A Good Tolerance for Monovision

With monovision, the patient’s non-dominant eye is treated to improve vision. Not all people are comfortable with monovision, however. In order to determine if KAMRA™ inlays are right for you, it’s important that you test out what monovision would be like. This can be done by wearing a contact lens in your non-dominant eye and not having a lens in your other eye.

If this is something that you can tolerate, then KAMRA™ inlays may be helpful. If monovision feels weird to you, then a KAMRA™ inlay is probably not a good option.

Having Realistic Expectations

A KAMRA™ inlay can make a major difference when in place, but patients should have realistic expectations about the nature of their vision correction and the overall results of surgery. This means known the risks and benefits of the procedure, understanding the cost of the KAMRA™ inlay surgery, and also being aware of the side effects after surgery has been performed.

Weighing KAMRA™ Inlays Against Alternative Treatments

Before making any final decisions about KAMRA™ inlays, we’ll be sure to provide information about the other treatments available for presbyopia, such as bifocals, contact lenses, and monovision LASIK. By comparing the advantages and disadvantages of each, you will be able to make a confident decision about your eyes and your vision.

Contact Dr. Andrew E. Holzman About Your Vision

For more information about KAMRA™ inlays and how they can help you see clearly again in middle age and your golden years, be sure to contact our advanced eye care and vision center today. Dr. Andrew E. Holzman and the entire team look forward to meeting you in person and helping you achieve excellent dental health and wellness.

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