computer-use-guidelines-after-lasik-153640In the past several years, LASIK surgery has become a common solution for those who are tired of relying on glasses or contact lenses for crisp vision. LASIK surgery makes precise alterations to the shape of the cornea to improve visual imperfections such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism. Advanced techniques and the ability to customize the LASIK procedure to each patient’s unique needs have only continued to increase the success of LASIK surgery for patients. While the recovery from LASIK surgery is fairly quick, patients should be prepared to experience some side effects, such as dry, itchy eyes, and it is important to give the eyes time to rest and recover. Because of the wide use of computers, many have questions as to how quickly they will be able to resume computer use following LASIK. Dr. Andrew E. Holzman offers advice to his Virginia patients regarding LASIK and computer use guidelines that will allow them to successfully recover from LASIK surgery.

Should I Limit Computer Use after LASIK?

The day of a patient’s LASIK procedure, we recommend that patients plan for plenty of rest and avoid any activities that put stress on the eyes. This includes the use of computers and any handheld devices, which are a source of light and can strain the eyes, making them feel overly tired and dry. Computer use has also been shown to reduce a person’s frequency of blinking, which could increase symptoms of dry eyes, a common side effect of LASIK surgery.

Although it is best to avoid the computer for the first day of LASIK recovery, it is understandable that many patients are anxious to resume computer use, especially as it is a regular component of most people’s workday. Patients can feel safe returning to the use of their computer a day or two after LASIK surgery (depending on how comfortable the eyes feel), but they should take proper precautions, including the following:

  • Use artificial tears frequently. We recommend drops every 30 minutes during computer use.
  • Take short, frequent breaks and allow the eyes to rest or focus on an object other than the computer screen.
  • Make a conscious effort to blink frequently while using the computer.

Will I Need Glasses While on the Computer?

In most cases, patients do not require the use of glasses either during LASIK recovery or after. However, in patients over the age of 40, it is more likely that presbyopia will be present, a condition that requires the use of glasses for close, detailed vision, such as that used for reading and using the computer. If vision appears blurry when working on the computer or if the eyes feel overly strained and tired, it may be a good idea to consider a pair of reading glasses for computer use.

Contact Us

Dr. Andrew E. Holzman has an impressive background of education and experience that leaves patients feeling confident that they are receiving the best care possible when it comes to laser vision correction. If you are interested in improving your vision through laser surgery, contact us to learn more about LASIK and our other advanced treatment options. We look forward to hearing from you!

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