• Your Optometrist is your LASIK
  • Specialist

LASIK is an exciting laser vision correction option; it is not a choice that you should make based on advertising or price alone. It is a complex procedure that requires several clinical visits, in-depth discussions, explanations and careful guidance. Dr. Weigel is well equipped to manage and deliver your pre and post-operative care throughout this process.

You need a careful evaluation http://www.drholzman.com/pages/about-our-staff

During your LASIK evaluation, Dr. Weigel will do a thorough medical history, evaluate your eyes for any eye conditions and discuss with you how any health problems could potentially impact the outcome of your vision correction. She will check your prescription to determine if it is stable or has changed.

Your expectations are an important part of the decision to have LASIK. A complete evaluation is an important starting point, but you will need to make a decision about the outcome you desire. For many patients, improving their distance vision and near vision is possible, but certain patients may still need or prefer to wear glasses to enhance their vision. Your optometrist will discuss this with you and work to determine the treatment that will best serve your vision needs.