lasik-syndicatedDr. Andrew E. Holzman always makes patient safety a priority. He carefully screens each patient for candidacy, and uses advanced technology to achieve excellent LASIK surgery results. This focus on the patient and their continued wellness has made Dr. Holzman a leading laser eye surgeon in the Washington, D.C. metro area.

Since many patients ask us about the safety of LASIK, we would like to provide some answers. Let’s consider how safe LASIK is and what our vision correction specialists do to reduce the risk of complications.

How Safe Is LASIK?

LASIK is a safe option for people who would like to see clearly and reduce their dependence on glasses and contact lenses. More than 40 million LASIK procedures have been performed around the world since 1991. According to numbers from the American Refractive Surgery Council:

  • 90 percent of patients achieve 20/20 vision or better
  • 99 percent of patients achieve 20/40 vision or better
  • 96 percent of LASIK patients are satisfied with the results of surgery

Overall, the risk of complications from LASIK surgery is significantly less than 1 percent. Numbers like these speak to the overall effectiveness of the procedure for the vast majority of patients.

Potential Complications from LASIK Surgery

Even though the risk of complications after LASIK is quite low, it’s important that our patients understand what those potential complications are. Knowing the risks means that patients will have realistic expectations about the procedure.

Complications following LASIK include:

  • Dry eye syndrome
  • Vision undercorrection
  • Vision overcorrection
  • Vision regression
  • Flap issues impacting vision
  • Flap issues causing discomfort
  • Eye infection

Some of these complications can have long-term effects on a patient’s eyesight and vision health. Thankfully, there are many ways that an experienced LASIK surgeon can reduce the risk of complications.  Dr Holzman and his staff are intently focused on providing the safest procedure and reducing risks. Something to keep aware of–   Between 20 -25% of patients that arrive at Dr Holzman’s offices are told NOT to have the procedure due to something in their particular risk profile.  They will not operate on you at Dr Holzman’s offices unless you are deemed to be an excellent candidate and one that has an extremely high probability of an outstanding, complication-free result.

Determining LASIK Candidacy with a Thorough Consultation

A thorough consultation process is one of the first methods we have to reduce the risk of complications among LASIK patients. We will discuss current vision, previous vision procedures, and other aspects of a patient’s medical history. This allows us to determine if a patient is a good candidate for LASIK surgery, or if certain conditions would increase the chances of complications and poor outcomes.

LASIK patients will be screened for the following issues:

  • Dry eye syndrome
  • Severe myopia (nearsightedness)
  • Glaucoma
  • Fuch’s dystrophy
  • Keratoconus
  • Autoimmune disease

The above conditions put patients at risk for numerous complications. In such instances, an alternative to LASIK will be recommended.

Using the Latest Technology for Optimal Results

Once a patient is deemed a good candidate for LASIK, they will be able to undergo state-of-the-art laser eye surgery. Using the latest digital mapping and computer-guided laser systems, Dr. Holzman can reduce the risk of human error while optimizing a patient’s overall vision quality. Custom, all-laser LASIK surgery is able to give patients excellent vision, completely tailoring a procedure to the microscopic contours of their cornea.

A Focus on Pre-op and Post-op Patient Care

Good preparation for surgery and proper aftercare can improve the healing experience and further reduce the risk of complications. This is why Dr. Holzman provides patients with detailed pre-op and post-op instructions that emphasize fast healing, comfort, and protection of the eyes. Follow-up visits after LASIK will also allow Dr. Holzman to monitor the patient’s recovery in the crucial early phases of recovery.

Patient Testimonials Speak to Safety and Satisfaction

Our commitment to reducing post-surgical risks is reflected in our growing collection of patient testimonials. Countless patients have positive stories to tell about their experience with LASIK and the positive difference the laser eye surgery made in their lives.

Learn More About LASIK

For more information about LASIK and whether or not it’s an ideal option for you, be sure to contact an experienced laser eye surgeon. Dr. Holzman and his team can be reached by phone at (202) 785-2435.

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